Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Why does problem-hiding occur?

Right from the start, every team on the program-of-work have been reporting green statuses.  We're now in the home stretch so it should all be good.

And then it starts... first one team reports that they may not make it... then another... then another... until the program is now a sea of red.

Does this experience seem familiar?

In every instance that I've seen this happen, the teams knew far in advance that there were problems and they may even have been trying to report this "up the chain" but inevitably, somewhere along the line, someone decides to modify the message before it reaches the steering committee.

As an example,
"In the worst case, it's a catastrophe. Most likely we won't make it.  Even in the best case, we'll barely scrape by.  I would strongly recommend we prioritise the work aggressively to ensure the core capabilities are delivered."
Turns into
"There is some risk that we won't make it but if we work hard we should be fine."
The issue is not that there are problems.  One would expect any complex socio-technical system to have problems.  The issue is that these problems are hidden from governance until it is too late to take any corrective action.

This is an example of what Jim Collins might describe as a systemic inability to confront brutal reality.

It would be easy enough to blame it all on the middle managers, given this is pretty much where the message modification occurs, but let's think more broadly.  This pattern of problem-hiding in program management is widespread, which suggests there is something more fundamentally broken.

So why might problem-hiding occur?

The Steering Committee, and really the overall organisation, has a general expectation that new projects start out with a status of green.  In other words, at the start of a large piece of work, when we have the maximum amount of ignorance of customer, business, and technical issues, we pretend that we have the most confidence that the effort will be successful...

Every new project should start of with a status of red and only gradually, over time, prove itself that it deserves a green status.  I might even claim that any new project that starts out with a status of green is either lying or not paying attention.

Martin Fowler calls this phenomenon Early Pain.

People are punished for raising problems and are rewarded when they don't raise problems.  In other words, problems are not seen as invaluable for learning. 

In Lean lingo, this phenomenon is described with phrases like "No problem is a problem" and "Problems are a gold mine"

The Steering Committee accepts excuses that "we tried our hardest" by doing lots of overtime, hiring more people,  hiring consultants, etc.  In other words, as long as we can show we did our best, this excuses that we were blatantly lying about our progress...

None of the excuses justify why problems were not raised earlier.

The criteria for reporting status to the Steering Committee are not concrete and are too open to interpretation.  In other words, what I think you mean by "green status" is not what you actually mean by "green status".

Concrete criteria would be things like using a burn-up chart based on running, tested features and showing projected completion dates.  It might also be things like using integration check-points with real demonstrations rather than presentations in a meeting room.

What would it take to eradicate problem-hiding?
Even if these are the reasons, it is still difficult to initiate changes to address them.  I still wonder about more effective ways to change the narrative and the expectations.

I wonder what it would take to eradicate problem-hiding from organisations.


  1. A couple more reasons why people hide problems:

    a) Steering Committees can overreact. You raise an issue and they panic & descend on you like a ton of bricks. Sometimes you want to say "I've got an issue. I need some time to check whether I can handle it myself. But here's some warning so you can prepare (e.g. back off on external commitments) in case I can't." Steering committees insulate themselves from early warnings like this when they overreact.

    b) Games of chicken. If the steering committee overreacts or blames people who raise problems, then everyone hides problems for as long as possible. Then when one person raises a problem, it becomes safe for all the others come out of hiding.

  2. Hi Graham,

    I'd put these in the "punished for raising problems" category

  3. I have seen the reverse happen, at least working at the line of business level. A number of tasks/milestones are marked yellow so that the presenter can then talk about all of the problems that they are managing. Another management activity that encourages this is to pull in the schedule and/or add more functionality or objectives to a project that is all green: "you must have sandbagged the schedule and your team is not working as hard as it could be." Many managers don't seem to feel comfortable unless they are--as your cartoon shows--"making people work harder."

    Sean Murphy

  4. Thanks for your great question. As I am not an engineer of any sort I am intrigued by the thought - I'll be working with engineers in a few weeks.

    I often cite the engineer mindset as the only place in the organization where people should have a problem focus. The rest of the organization's problems are problems between the people. In other words, it's a human issue vs. a technical issue. I suggest that problem-hiding in your universe comes from the human problem of hiding the technical problem. Again, we know that the problem humans face are between them, i.e., that they are not the problem, it's what's between them that matters.

    In the larger sense I think there's room the notion of going beyond project goals and defining higher purpose and setting values or guidelines for the human side of engineering work. Ted Coine talks about it in terms of culture
    This is likely fluffy to the engineer, but culture has a role in helping people to not fail.

    As a solution focus practitioner I really like the Lean lines, "No problem is a problem" and "Problems are a gold mine".

    At the project level, it won't surprise you when I say the questions to encourage viewing problems as a learning opportunity might be:
    1. Despite the extra (work, time, consultants, etc.) required to make the project work (even though we know there's a problem), what's working so far? How do we see that being useful in going further?
    2. What human barriers or mistakes are in the way of capitalizing on that learning? (other than not enough resources). And, what have learned from those barriers/mistakes? Note: this should a short clarification discussion, not a dive down the rat-hole of helplessness
    3. Suppose the barriers / mistakes went away what would we be doing differently?
    4. Suppose we make progress towards what will be different, what will we see ourselves doing right away

    Make any sense?

    1. Hi Alan,

      In many, if not most cases, the adjustment required to protect most if not all of the outcome is not so much extra work, time, people so much as prioritisation (aka hard choices) and some creativity in identifying work that does not need to get done.

      In other words, the failure hasn't really happened yet, there is still time to intervene and recover but only if the problem(s) are acknowledged.

      I'm not sure how this would be framed in a solution-focused way... it would be something like having a gap between the current state and the future perfect, but some people are not willing to acknowledge the gap.

      In the times that I have dealt with this, I've essentially provided the message in the blog post to prepare them for when I raise a lot of issues early... and then successfully deliver smoothly... which then raises the question about whether all other projects should be delivered the same way.

      I wonder though whether there is an easier, faster alternative.
